Getting started with Liquidity
Create smart contracts for Tezos blockchain using the Liquidity language (Part 1)
After spending two years learning Solidity to develop dapps on Ethereum, I discovered Tezos. I was immediately seduced by the possibility that the Tezos blockchain brings with it, its scalability, its decentralization and Michelson which makes smart contracts more secure.
When I decided to learn how to write smart contracts for the Tezos blockchain, I stumbled on the harsh reality: the Tezos ecosystem is far from being as developed as Ethereum’s.
While Ganache is your best friend when you develop smart contracts for Ethereum, there is no equivalent for Tezos. During my research online, I found Granary, but I haven’t been able to make it work on my MacBook and it looks like it is still under development (the last commit in their Github repo was 5 months ago as of February 2020).
In addition of the scarce tooling, you will also find out that the tutorials are also scarce. The documentations for learning high-level languages for Tezos blockchain are most of the time incomplete (like for Fi) or requires good knowledge of functional programming (like Ligo or Liquidity). There is also SmartPy, which, I must admit, did a great job both in their documentation and their online editor. But I am not a big fan of Python to begin with and I wanted to take the challenge of learning a functional language.
I chose Liquidity. Although I am still a beginner in Liquidity, I decided that it would be interesting to share my experience and write a basic step-by-step guide to help other people coming from Solidity or a programming language like JavaScript. The following tutorial is going to expose basic concepts of Liquidity and functional programming. I am going to use the ReasonML syntax as I feel it is closer to JavaScript which is a programming language that a lot of programmers know and are comfortable with. If I am wrong somewhere in the tutorial, please do not hesitate to correct me :)
Structure of a contract
As per the official Liquidity documentation, a contract in Liquidity always present the following structure:
[%%version 2.0]
<... local declarations ...>
type storage = TYPE
let%init storage
(x : TYPE)
(y : TYPE)
... =
let%entry entrypoint1
(p1 : TYPE)
(s1 : TYPE) =
let%entry entrypoint2
(p2 : TYPE)
(s2 : TYPE) =
let%entry default
(parameter : TYPE)
(storage : TYPE) =
The first sentence is the version of the Liquidity compiler you are using. It is not absolutely necessary (the examples provided in the online editor compile with a version statement).
The second line is optional and is used to declare various types and functions you will use in your contract later.
The third line is the storage declaration. The contract stores its state in a single “variable” by creating a new “type”. The different parts of the storage can then be accessed using the dot notation (for example storage.users or storage.address). You MUST define a type storage in every contract.
Next, you find the initialization function. This step is optional if your storage is hard-coded, otherwise, you can use to set your storage variables when you deploy the contract.
Following these steps, you find the entry points. Each Liquidity contract is made of different entry points that matches calls made to the smart contract. They must all have different names. They all receive two arguments: the parameters sent when calling the entry point and the current storage. Then, they all return two arguments: a list of operations and the new storage.
You can also define a default entry point that will be executed when the contract is called and no entry point is specified. For example, you can use it to handle any tez sent to the contract.
Let’s start now with our contract. It will be a very simple contract that will receive a value and store it.
The Simple Storage contract
We will start by defining the version we want to use as good practice:
[%%version 2.0]
The storage will be a very simple one, we will start an integer and increment it:
[%%version 2.0]type storage = int;
Now we can initialize our storage when the contract will be deployed.
[%%version 2.0]type storage = int;let%init storage = 0;
After this step, our storage is initialized to zero.
Now let’s write the entry point to increment the value:
[%%version 2.0]type storage = int;let%init storage = 0;let%entry increment = (num: int, storage) => ([], storage + num);
Let’s break it down:
- let%entry = this keyword indicates you are declaring an entry point that can be called from outside.
- increment = this is the name of your entry, it must be unique to the contract.
- (num: int, storage) = as explained above, each entry point takes two arguments: the parameters passed to the entry point and the storage. Here, the parameter is an integer with the name “num”.
- ([], storage + num) = each entry point returns two values: a list of internal operations to perform after execution of the contract and the final storage.
If everything goes well, you should get the following Michelson code in the online Liquidity compiler:

Storing multiple values
Incrementing an integer in the storage is cool, but what about storing “Hello world” in the contract?? Let’s modify the previous contract to save an integer and a string.
First, we must change the type of the storage. Remember, the storage is one single value, so if we want to store multiple values, we will have to use a type called a “record”:
[%%version 2.0]type storage = {
count: int,
greeting: string
A record is very similar to JavaScript object, one of the main differences is that you have to declare it explicitly. Open a set of curly brackets and write the field name followed by the type. In our case, we need a field name called “count” of type integer and a field name called “greeting” of type string.
Now, it is time to write the initialization function:
[%%version 2.0]type storage = {
count: int,
greeting: string
}let%init storage = (count: int, greeting: string) => {count, greeting};
Like in the first version of the contract, we start with let%init followed by the name of the storage. We will give the possibility to the users to set their own values that will be passed as parameters. We will force these values to be one integer and one string. Thanks to ReasonML, we can use punning and write {count, greeting} instead of {count: count, greeting: greeting} to return our initialized storage.
Next, we will rewrite the increment function. This time, as the storage contains 2 values, we will have to be careful and update only the “count” field:
[%%version 2.0]type storage = {
count: int,
greeting: string
}let%init storage = (count: int, greeting: string) =>
{count, greeting};let%entry increment = (num: int, storage) => {
let storage = storage.count = storage.count + num;
([], storage);
You begin being familiar with the entry points now, the parameter(s) and the storage as arguments and the list of operations and the new storage as returned values. In the middle, we increment the “count” field of the storage with the integer provided by the user.
The entry point to add a new greeting will look very similar:
[%%version 2.0]type storage = {
count: int,
greeting: string
}let%init storage = (count: int, greeting: string) => {count, greeting};let%entry increment = (num: int, storage) => {
let storage = storage.count = storage.count + num;
([], storage);
}let%entry greet = (greeting: string, storage) => {
let storage = storage.greeting = greeting;
([], storage);
Instead of an integer, we will expect a string and instead of incrementing the field in the storage, we will just replace it with the new value.
If everything goes well, when you compile the code, you should be rewarded with the following Michelson code:

You did it! You wrote your first Liquidity code!
In Part 2, we will take a little moment to learn how to use the interface of the online Liquidity editor to test our contract.
In Part 3, we will take on new concepts and continue our journey into Liquidity.
This article is also available on the IPFS: QmaF9Thhd57c8ECUps7R1mFrDs8vXTuEUyuG7deDrKNNzh